Waldorf principles and practice are explored and experienced directly. Students learn drawing and painting just as pupils do, alongside singing, movement, modelling and practical crafts. Lectures and Seminars cover themes such as child development, classroom management, rhythm and imagination, alongside the essential Waldorf approaches to literacy, numeracy, science and the humanities. We also explore anthroposophy, the philosophy that underpins this education. There are regular opportunities to develop personal skills. Students will be teaching and presenting to their peers from the outset, learning how to give and receive constructive feedback, and practising the art of storytelling.
The Art of Teaching is a course for professional and personal development towards proficiency in Waldorf Education. This is not an accredited teacher training. It is, however, a wonderful opportunity to get an immersive Waldorf experience for adults, and maybe to consider becoming a full teacher yourself!
The Art of Teaching addresses necessary knowledge and skills, including planning, assessment, presentation, inclusion, compliance, and collegiality. We study Rudolf Steiner’s First Teachers Course to understand the underlying view of the human being that informs this education. We also direct students towards the inner work and development needed for an aspiring teacher to thrive personally and professionally.
As the student moves ever closer towards the classroom, the Steiner Waldorf Teacher Standards provide an excellent structure and a valuable reference point for our work together. The guiding principles in modern lesson planning, Intention, Implementation and Impact, are made explicit throughout, as we critically compare Steiner’s educational principles to those of modern theory and practice.
We work together with UK Steiner Waldorf schools to bring about quality classroom observation and teaching placements with experienced and supportive practitioners. We prepare students for these placements and help them to understand and learn from what they experience at the ‘chalk face’.
Students are encouraged to complete two 3-week teaching practices during the year.
The following is offered as a guideline.
The student is assigned to a specific class for three weeks under the guidance of an experienced class teacher and qualified mentor. After a few days of observation and preparatory planning work, the student begins to gradually take over aspects of the main lesson or practice lesson routine, as well as assisting individual pupils or small groups. They could tell stories, lead recitation, singing or mental arithmetic practice. Gradually during the second week this expands into taking on recall and presentational elements. In the third week, if things have gone well, the student might take over delivering the whole of the morning lesson, being observed, guided and supported by the class teacher throughout. The mentoring teacher gives daily oral feedback and advice and writes a reference report at the end of the practice. The student keeps a journal documenting their experiences and writes a self-appraisal at the end of the block, both of which are submitted to the course tutors.
The student is tasked with planning, preparing and delivering an entire three-or four-week block of main lesson teaching. Ideally this takes place in a setting already familiar to them so they can go straight into teaching from day 1. The mentoring host teacher is familiar with the pupils and is a regular observing and guiding presence. Part of this practice block also involves assessing pupil progress and other administrative duties of the full-time classroom teacher. Attendance at a parents evening as well as collegial meetings is advised. An enhanced DBS certificate will allow the host teacher to leave the student teacher alone with the class for increasing periods of time should the school’s protocols allow for this. At the end the host teacher writes a final report on the practice block, which is supplemented by a thorough self-appraisal of the student teacher and their reflective journal, all of which are submitted to the course tutors.
We are an open course welcoming adults of all backgrounds and abilities. Previous knowledge of Waldorf Education is an advantage but not a condition. A valid DBS Certificate is required.
There are currently no legally binding requirements for the hiring of teachers by independent schools. However, we recognise that this is a demanding profession and strongly advise our students to gain PGCE and QTS qualifications in the appropriate places. The national organisation Waldorf UK offers information on two such routes, involving low residence courses accredited by universities.
Following its guiding principles of Discover, Deepen, Develop, MTEA provides essential and experiential tuition in Waldorf reality. Our course enables the acquisition of embodied knowledge and skills, gained from modern professionals with vast experience of Waldorf Education at all levels. It aso creates an in-person learning experience that lays the foundation for productive collegial working practices. All graduates from The Art of Teaching will receive a certificate and a full transcript of attended courses and completed assignments and school placements.
We strongly recommend that directed time will be broadly matched by self-directed engagement, addressing course assignments and independent research.
We also acknowledge the essential role played by informal interaction, spontaneous peer learning and networking facilitated by MTEA’s social context: break and mealtimes, shared accommodation, online communication via monthly Zoom meetings and exchanges on MTEA’s Telegram groups. Welcome to the Learning Community!
Planning and Assessment for Learning
Reflection, Mentoring and Appraisal
Steiner Waldorf Teacher Standards
Curriculum Creation
Colleagueship and Leadership models
Working with Parents
The cultural landscape of Safeguarding
Inclusion and SEN
Rudolf Steiner’s First Teachers Course
The 12 senses
Verses and Meditations for the Teacher
Biographical Patterns and Rhythms
Life Drawing
Perspective Drawing
Watercolour Painting
Pastel Drawing
Chalkboard Drawing
Black and White Drawing
Non-Competitive Games
Creating a Main Lesson block
Teaching students Art
Introducing Poetry
Research and presentation of an Independent Project
Early Numeracy and Literacy
Symptomatic History
Phenomenological Science
Contextualised Geography
School Placement Preparation and Reflection
Completing the course and being ready to teach are two different things. In most educational contexts a probationary period is required before the teacher is considered to be ‘fully qualified’. Ideally the novice teacher will be given protected time and regular mentoring as they begin their journey.
Having completed both practices and graduated with a Certificate of Completion, the student joins one of our partner schools as Apprentice Teacher. Depending on suitability, this can be in an assisting capacity or with increasing degrees of responsibility. While being supported by a mentoring structure involving both in-school colleagues and course tutors they would have the opportunity to observe a range of teaching styles as well as occasionally covering for absent colleagues and gaining valuable experience in “stepping in”. Our tutors will liaise regularly with the school, and offer to play a part in assessing the developmental portfolio leading to full confirmation.
Need modern Waldorf in your school life? Welcome to REFRESH!
We are opening our Ringwood courses to serving school staff, for attending any weekend they like. Come to the New Forest for science, art, planning, anthroposophy or any other subjects that interest you. Save money by buying vouchers!
Booking by email: info@waldorfmodern.uk
Your school or setting buys a number of The Modern Teacher REFRESH! CPD vouchers (prices below).
Each voucher allows up to two visiting colleagues to attend an entire MTEA weekend (Friday evening – Sunday lunch).
With a booklet, two colleagues could come for five shared weekends, or up to ten teachers could come for one weekend each. This is an experiential course that places high value on peer interaction. Come and enjoy collaborative learning!
Every weekend offers 8 sessions in total.
The course handbook offers a comprehensive list of sessions and dates.
One weekend (attendance for up to two teachers): £ 250
Booklet (five weekends): £995
No booking is required but please inform us of your attendance at least 24 hours in advance, or one week in advance if you want us to arrange accommodation.
CPD Certificates are available on request.
The Modern teacher: Education as Art is hosted by Ringwood Waldorf School, situated on the edge of the new Forest in Southern England. The school has been offering Waldorf Education to children aged 3 to 18 since 1974. The educational environment and close links to practising teachers, many of whom are former graduates, are real assets to our monthly weekends.
The monthly weekends run from 6.30 pm on Fridays until 1pm on Sundays.
See below for a smaller commitment of time and money (attending six rather than eight sessions).
We provide a well-balanced programme of seminars. lectures, artistic skills development and pedagogical deep dives on teacher skills such as planning, assessment, inclusion, curriculum creation.
Should external circumstances prevent students from attending in person, video zoom links will enable them to follow most of the weekend’s courses live online.
Interest free loans, with flexible repayment options, are available for the second year of tuition, and exceptionally the first year, from the Godparents Anthroposophical Training Fund (GATF)
Attend the whole year from Saturday 10.30 to Sunday 13.00 or from Friday 18.30 to Saturday 21.00 only, and save £ 600.
This is at the houses of local families. Arrangements for camping or parking camper vans in the school grounds may be possible at certain times of the year.
Currently the agreed cost for private accommodation is a very friendly £ 45 for two nights bed and breakfast, payable directly to the host. Initial arrangements will be made by Sven Saar who is also the main contact for all matters relating to accommodation. There is also the possibility to sleep on a school classroom floor, in a kind of indoor camping arrangement. This incurs a small symbolic fee.
These are vegan or vegetarian and prepared for us by our excellent chef Louise Tiley. Please advise her of any dietary requirements in advance. The cost for Friday Supper and Saturday Lunch and Supper is £30 per student. This is payable directly in advance each term, by 1st September, 1st January and 1st May respectively.
The First Teachers Course, Rudolf Steiner, 2020 Edition, available in the UK from
sven@waldorfmodern.uk or the Rudolf Steiner House Bookshop, London
Understanding Child development
Angelika Wiehl & Wolfgang Auer, wecan books, 2020
The Kingdom of Childhood
Rudolf Steiner’s 1924 lecture course in Torquay, Anthroposophic Press, 1995
The Educational Tasks and Content of the Steiner Waldorf Curriculum, Rawson, Richter and Avison, 2014, widely available
Waldorf Education
Christopher Clouder & Martyn Rawson, Floris Books, 1998
School as a Journey
Torin M. Finser, Anthroposophic Press, 1994
Understanding Waldorf Education: Teaching from the Inside Out
Jack Petrash, Gryphon House, 2002
The Essence of Waldorf Education
Peter Selg, Steiner Books, 2010
The Way of a Child
A. C. Harwood, Rudolf Steiner Press, 1998
The Courage to Teach
Parker Palmer, Wiley 2017
We are an open course welcoming adults of all backgrounds and abilities. Previous knowledge of Waldorf Education is an advantage but not a condition. A valid DBS Certificate is required.
There are currently no legally binding requirements for the hiring of teachers by independent schools. However, we recognise that this is a demanding profession and strongly advise our students to gain PGCE and QTS qualifications in the appropriate places. The national organsiation Waldorf UK offers information on two such routes, involving low residence courses accredited by UK universities.
Following its guiding principles of Discover, Deepen, Develop, MTEA provides essential and experiential tuition in Waldorf reality. Our course enables the acquisition of embodied knowledge and skills, gained from modern professionals with vast experience of Waldorf Education at all levels. It aso creates an in-person learning experience that lays the foundation for productive collegial working practices. All graduates from The Art of Teaching will receive a certificate and a full transcript of attended courses and completed assignments and school placements.
While a course at MTEA can be a source of great joy and personal fulfilment, this is also a place for serious study. Students receive many hours of directed education during weekends and intensives, and we recommend that this time is matched by independent and assigned study and practice during the times in between.
Assignments are there to ensure and monitor continuous engagement. They may be academic, artistic or performative: we aim to create a challenging yet enjoyable balance. We carefully record submissions and offer formative and ipsative assessment and feedback.
We are an open course welcoming adults of all backgrounds and abilities. Previous knowledge of Waldorf Education is an advantage but not a condition. A valid DBS Certificate is required.
There are currently no legally binding requirements for the hiring of teachers by independent schools. However, we recognise that this is a demanding profession and strongly advise our students to gain PGCE and QTS qualifications in the appropriate places. The national organsiation Waldorf UK offers information on two such routes, involving low residence courses accredited by universities.
Does the course offer an accredited qualification?
The course is independent of external accreditation requirements and therefore able to offer students the ability to engage actively in determining form and content. We welcome the opportunity of offering bespoke approaches, for example for high school teachers alongside home-schoolers. We offer a range of CPD certificates which acknowledge different levels of engagement and completion. These are accompanied by a detailed transcript which can be helpful for potential employers.
Do I need Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) in order to teach?
Currently, no. There is a strong likelihood, however, that this may become a legal requirement in the future. We strongly recommend that students who want a career in education acquire QTS. There are a variety of ways of achieving this, including the in-service apprenticeship available via LINK. Steiner schools vary in their approach to QTS. Some require this, others don`t. Some prioritize a course such as our own when employing new staff, others place more emphasis on the need for QTS.
Will this course enable me to teach in any UK Steiner school?
Most Steiner Waldorf schools will expect teachers to have completed, or in the case of experienced teachers, to be in the process of completing a specialist Waldorf teacher education course, such as ours, and for some schools it is a requirement. In addition to this many schools require a PGCE or QTS.
What about Scotland?
The General Teaching Council of Scotland (GTCS) is the body which controls entry to the teaching profession, accredits initial training courses for teachers, and has responsibility for assessing whether probationary teachers can proceed to full registration.
Completion of a Teaching Qualification in England (even QTS, Qualified Teacher Status) does not automatically enable the holder to register with the GTCS. An English Steiner Waldorf training, on its own, would not be sufficient to teach in a Scottish Steiner Waldorf school. If this is your aspiration we advise that yu check with the school in which you aspire to trach, as these things do change.
What if I`m not artistic?
Artistry in teaching is not the same as being `good at art`. Children`s learning is the canvas on which a teacher applies their artistry. Whilst being a competent drawer, painter, singer, musician or crafts person will serve you well, those who feel themselves lacking in such skills can still `teach artistically` and create a learning environment in which children thrive. `
What about remote learning?
Our tutors are highly experienced in delivering hybrid and remote lessons. While we value in-person engagement (a default on this course), we recognise that students will sometimes be unable to come to Ringwood. We will do our best to live-stream each session if required.
Is the course of value for subject teachers?
Not everyone who want to work in Steiner-Waldorf education wants to be a class teacher. Those who choose to specialise in a particular aspect of the education, regardless of subject or school phase* will find that the course offers an in-depth experience that develops important and transferable skills. (*But be aware that those wishing to teach in Early Childhood settings will also need the appropriate accredited qualification).
What are the expectations around observing and practising in schools?
We recommend that students complete two 3-week classroom observation and teaching practices. We prepare students for these placements and help them to understand and learn from what they experience at the ‘chalk face’.
I don`t see myself working in a Steiner school in the near future. Is the course still relevant to me?
Increasingly parents and teachers are looking for alternatives to conventional schooling. Home-schoolers find the course of great value, as do those who are working in `mainstream` settings, whether conventional schools, adult education or in any form of special education.
Waldorf principles and practice are explored and experienced directly. Students learn drawing and painting just as pupils do, alongside singing, movement, modelling and practical crafts. Lectures and Seminars cover themes such as child development, classroom management, rhythm and imagination, alongside the essential Waldorf approaches to literacy, numeracy, science and the humanities. We also explore anthroposophy, the philosophy that underpins this education. There are regular opportunities to develop personal skills. Students will be teaching and presenting to their peers from the outset, learning how to give and receive constructive feedback, and practising the art of storytelling.
The Art of Teaching is a course for professional and personal development towards proficiency in Waldorf Education. This is not an accredited teacher training. It is, however, a wonderful opportunity to get an immersive Waldorf experience for adults, and maybe to consider becoming a full teacher yourself!
Is this your time? Take the first step and find out!
The Art of Teaching addresses necessary knowledge and skills, including planning, assessment, presentation, inclusion, compliance, and collegiality. We study Rudolf Steiner’s First Teachers Course to understand the underlying view of the human being that informs this education. We also direct students towards the inner work and development needed for an aspiring teacher to thrive personally and professionally.
As the student moves ever closer towards the classroom, the Steiner Waldorf Teacher Standards provide an excellent structure and a valuable reference point for our work together. The guiding principles in modern lesson planning, Intention, Implementation and Impact, are made explicit throughout, as we critically compare Steiner’s educational principles to those of modern theory and practice.
We work together with UK Steiner Waldorf schools to bring about quality classroom observation and teaching placements with experienced and supportive practitioners. We prepare students for these placements and help them to understand and learn from what they experience at the ‘chalk face’.
Students are encouraged to complete two 3-week teaching practices during the year.
The following is offered as a guideline.
The student is assigned to a specific class for three weeks under the guidance of an experienced class teacher and qualified mentor. After a few days of observation and preparatory planning work, the student begins to gradually take over aspects of the main lesson or practice lesson routine, as well as assisting individual pupils or small groups. They could tell stories, lead recitation, singing or mental arithmetic practice. Gradually during the second week this expands into taking on recall and presentational elements. In the third week, if things have gone well, the student might take over delivering the whole of the morning lesson, being observed, guided and supported by the class teacher throughout. The mentoring teacher gives daily oral feedback and advice and writes a reference report at the end of the practice. The student keeps a journal documenting their experiences and writes a self-appraisal at the end of the block, both of which are submitted to the course tutors.
The student is tasked with planning, preparing and delivering an entire three-or four-week block of main lesson teaching. Ideally this takes place in a setting already familiar to them so they can go straight into teaching from day 1. The mentoring host teacher is familiar with the pupils and is a regular observing and guiding presence. Part of this practice block also involves assessing pupil progress and other administrative duties of the full-time classroom teacher. Attendance at a parents evening as well as collegial meetings is advised. An enhanced DBS certificate will allow the host teacher to leave the student teacher alone with the class for increasing periods of time should the school’s protocols allow for this. At the end the host teacher writes a final report on the practice block, which is supplemented by a thorough self-appraisal of the student teacher and their reflective journal, all of which are submitted to the course tutors.
We are an open course welcoming adults of all backgrounds and abilities. Previous knowledge of Waldorf Education is an advantage but not a condition. A valid DBS Certificate is required.
There are currently no legally binding requirements for the hiring of teachers by independent schools. However, we recognise that this is a demanding profession and strongly advise our students to gain PGCE and QTS qualifications in the appropriate places. The national organisation Waldorf UK offers information on two such routes, involving low residence courses accredited by universities.
Following its guiding principles of Discover, Deepen, Develop, MTEA provides essential and experiential tuition in Waldorf reality. Our course enables the acquisition of embodied knowledge and skills, gained from modern professionals with vast experience of Waldorf Education at all levels. It aso creates an in-person learning experience that lays the foundation for productive collegial working practices. All graduates from The Art of Teaching will receive a certificate and a full transcript of attended courses and completed assignments and school placements.
We strongly recommend that directed time will be broadly matched by self-directed engagement, addressing course assignments and independent research.
We also acknowledge the essential role played by informal interaction, spontaneous peer learning and networking facilitated by MTEA’s social context: break and mealtimes, shared accommodation, online communication via monthly Zoom meetings and exchanges on MTEA’s Telegram groups. Welcome to the Learning Community!
Planning and Assessment for Learning
Reflection, Mentoring and Appraisal
Steiner Waldorf Teacher Standards
Curriculum Creation
Colleagueship and Leadership models
Working with Parents
The cultural landscape of Safeguarding
Inclusion and SEN
Rudolf Steiner’s First Teachers Course
The 12 senses
Verses and Meditations for the Teacher
Biographical Patterns and Rhythms
Life Drawing
Perspective Drawing
Watercolour Painting
Pastel Drawing
Chalkboard Drawing
Black and White Drawing
Non-Competitive Games
Creating a Main Lesson block
Teaching students Art
Introducing Poetry
Research and presentation of an Independent Project
Early Numeracy and Literacy
Symptomatic History
Phenomenological Science
Contextualised Geography
School Placement Preparation and Reflection
Completing the course and being ready to teach are two different things. In most educational contexts a probationary period is required before the teacher is considered to be ‘fully qualified’. Ideally the novice teacher will be given protected time and regular mentoring as they begin their journey.
Having completed both practices and graduated with a Certificate of Completion, the student joins one of our partner schools as Apprentice Teacher. Depending on suitability, this can be in an assisting capacity or with increasing degrees of responsibility. While being supported by a mentoring structure involving both in-school colleagues and course tutors they would have the opportunity to observe a range of teaching styles as well as occasionally covering for absent colleagues and gaining valuable experience in “stepping in”. Our tutors will liaise regularly with the school, and offer to play a part in assessing the developmental portfolio leading to full confirmation.
Need modern Waldorf in your school life? Welcome to REFRESH!
We are opening our Ringwood courses to serving school staff, for attending any weekend they like. Come to the New Forest for science, art, planning, anthroposophy or any other subjects that interest you. Save money by buying vouchers!
Booking by email: info@waldorfmodern.uk
Your school or setting buys a number of The Modern Teacher REFRESH! CPD vouchers (prices below).
Each voucher allows up to two visiting colleagues to attend an entire MTEA weekend (Friday evening – Sunday lunch).
With a booklet, two colleagues could come for five shared weekends, or up to ten teachers could come for one weekend each. This is an experiential course that places high value on peer interaction. Come and enjoy collaborative learning!
Every weekend offers 8 sessions in total.
The course handbook offers a comprehensive list of sessions and dates.
One weekend (attendance for up to two teachers): £ 250
Booklet (five weekends): £995
No booking is required but please inform us of your attendance at least 24 hours in advance, or one week in advance if you want us to arrange accommodation.
CPD Certificates are available on request.
The Modern Teacher: Education as Art is hosted by Ringwood Waldorf School, situated on the edge of the new Forest in Southern England. The school has been offering Waldorf Education to children aged 3 to 18 since 1974. The educational environment and close links to practising teachers, many of whom are former graduates, are real assets to our monthly weekends.”
The monthly weekends run from 6.30 pm on Fridays until 1pm on Sundays.
See below for a smaller commitment of time and money (attending six rather than eight sessions).
We provide a well-balanced programme of seminars. lectures, artistic skills development and pedagogical deep dives on teacher skills such as planning, assessment, inclusion, curriculum creation.
Should external circumstances prevent students from attending in person, video zoom links will enable them to follow most of the weekend’s courses live online.
Interest free loans, with flexible repayment options, are available for the second year of tuition, and exceptionally the first year, from the Godparents Anthroposophical Training Fund (GATF)
Attend the whole year from Saturday 10.30 to Sunday 13.00 or from Friday 18.30 to Saturday 21.00 only, and save £ 600.
This is at the houses of local families. Arrangements for camping or parking camper vans in the school grounds may be possible at certain times of the year.
Currently the agreed cost for private accommodation is a very friendly £ 45 for two nights bed and breakfast, payable directly to the host. Initial arrangements will be made by Sven Saar who is also the main contact for all matters relating to accommodation. There is also the possibility to sleep on a school classroom floor, in a kind of indoor camping arrangement. This incurs a small symbolic fee.
These are vegan or vegetarian and prepared for us by our excellent chef Louise Tiley. Please advise her of any dietary requirements in advance. The cost for Friday Supper and Saturday Lunch and Supper is £30 per student. This is payable directly in advance each term, by 1st September, 1st January and 1st May respectively.
The First Teachers Course, Rudolf Steiner, 2020 Edition, available in the UK from
sven@waldorfmodern.uk or the Rudolf Steiner House Bookshop, London
Understanding Child development
Angelika Wiehl & Wolfgang Auer, wecan books, 2020
The Kingdom of Childhood
Rudolf Steiner’s 1924 lecture course in Torquay, Anthroposophic Press, 1995
The Educational Tasks and Content of the Steiner Waldorf Curriculum, Rawson, Richter and Avison, 2014, widely available
Waldorf Education
Christopher Clouder & Martyn Rawson, Floris Books, 1998
School as a Journey
Torin M. Finser, Anthroposophic Press, 1994
Understanding Waldorf Education: Teaching from the Inside Out
Jack Petrash, Gryphon House, 2002
The Essence of Waldorf Education
Peter Selg, Steiner Books, 2010
The Way of a Child
A. C. Harwood, Rudolf Steiner Press, 1998
The Courage to Teach
Parker Palmer, Wiley 2017
We are an open course welcoming adults of all backgrounds and abilities. Previous knowledge of Waldorf Education is an advantage but not a condition. A valid DBS Certificate is required.
There are currently no legally binding requirements for the hiring of teachers by independent schools. However, we recognise that this is a demanding profession and strongly advise our students to gain PGCE and QTS qualifications in the appropriate places. The national organsiation Waldorf UK offers information on two such routes, involving low residence courses accredited by UK universities.
Following its guiding principles of Discover, Deepen, Develop, MTEA provides essential and experiential tuition in Waldorf reality. Our course enables the acquisition of embodied knowledge and skills, gained from modern professionals with vast experience of Waldorf Education at all levels. It aso creates an in-person learning experience that lays the foundation for productive collegial working practices. All graduates from The Art of Teaching will receive a certificate and a full transcript of attended courses and completed assignments and school placements.
While a course at MTEA can be a source of great joy and personal fulfilment, this is also a place for serious study. Students receive many hours of directed education during weekends and intensives, and we recommend that this time is matched by independent and assigned study and practice during the times in between.
Assignments are there to ensure and monitor continuous engagement. They may be academic, artistic or performative: we aim to create a challenging yet enjoyable balance. We carefully record submissions and offer formative and ipsative assessment a
We are an open course welcoming adults of all backgrounds and abilities. Previous knowledge of Waldorf Education is an advantage but not a condition. A valid DBS Certificate is required.
There are currently no legally binding requirements for the hiring of teachers by independent schools. However, we recognise that this is a demanding profession and strongly advise our students to gain PGCE and QTS qualifications in the appropriate places. The national organsiation Waldorf UK offers information on two such routes, involving low residence courses accredited by universities.
Does the course offer an accredited qualification?
The course is independent of external accreditation requirements and therefore able to offer students the ability to engage actively in determining form and content. We welcome the opportunity of offering bespoke approaches, for example for high school teachers alongside home-schoolers. We offer a range of CPD certificates which acknowledge different levels of engagement and completion. These are accompanied by a detailed transcript which can be helpful for potential employers.
Do I need Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) in order to teach?
Currently, no. There is a strong likelihood, however, that this may become a legal requirement in the future. We strongly recommend that students who want a career in education acquire QTS. There are a variety of ways of achieving this, including the in-service apprenticeship available via LINK. Steiner schools vary in their approach to QTS. Some require this, others don`t. Some prioritize a course such as our own when employing new staff, others place more emphasis on the need for QTS.
Will this course enable me to teach in any UK Steiner school?
Most Steiner Waldorf schools will expect teachers to have completed, or in the case of experienced teachers, to be in the process of completing a specialist Waldorf teacher education course, such as ours, and for some schools it is a requirement. In addition to this many schools require a PGCE or QTS.
What about Scotland?
The General Teaching Council of Scotland (GTCS) is the body which controls entry to the teaching profession, accredits initial training courses for teachers, and has responsibility for assessing whether probationary teachers can proceed to full registration.
Completion of a Teaching Qualification in England (even QTS, Qualified Teacher Status) does not automatically enable the holder to register with the GTCS. An English Steiner Waldorf training, on its own, would not be sufficient to teach in a Scottish Steiner Waldorf school. If this is your aspiration we advise that yu check with the school in which you aspire to trach, as these things do change.
What if I`m not artistic?
Artistry in teaching is not the same as being `good at art`. Children`s learning is the canvas on which a teacher applies their artistry. Whilst being a competent drawer, painter, singer, musician or crafts person will serve you well, those who feel themselves lacking in such skills can still `teach artistically` and create a learning environment in which children thrive. `
What about remote learning?
Our tutors are highly experienced in delivering hybrid and remote lessons. While we value in-person engagement (a default on this course), we recognise that students will sometimes be unable to come to Ringwood. We will do our best to live-stream each session if required.
Is the course of value for subject teachers?
Not everyone who want to work in Steiner-Waldorf education wants to be a class teacher. Those who choose to specialise in a particular aspect of the education, regardless of subject or school phase* will find that the course offers an in-depth experience that develops important and transferable skills. (*But be aware that those wishing to teach in Early Childhood settings will also need the appropriate accredited qualification).
What are the expectations around observing and practising in schools?
We recommend that students complete two 3-week classroom observation and teaching practices. We prepare students for these placements and help them to understand and learn from what they experience at the ‘chalk face’.
I don`t see myself working in a Steiner school in the near future. Is the course still relevant to me?
Increasingly parents and teachers are looking for alternatives to conventional schooling. Home-schoolers find the course of great value, as do those who are working in `mainstream` settings, whether conventional schools, adult education or in any form of special education.
Discover, Deepen, Develop.
Address: 13 Woodland Road, Ashburton,
Devon TQ13 7DR
Phone: 0044 7727 117199
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