All our team have substantial experience in advising and appraising teachers in Steiner Waldorf Schools. Usually this takes the shape of a personal visit with observations and verbal feedback, followed by a written report with short, medium and long term recommendations.
Over many years we have worked successfully with colleagues in the majority of the UK Steiner Waldorf schools. Internationally The Modern teacher currently works with pioneering schools and teachers in India, Thailand, Kenya, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Germany, Singapore and the Philippines, where we give courses and seminars. We also engage actively with individual colleagues there, providing mentoring and advice.
This work is informed by modern insights into professional development and peer-to-peer work and can easily be applied in hierarchical as well as flat collegiate structures.
We believe that personal professional striving and quality assurance should be inspired by the same goals and supported by transparent and reliable structures.
Continual professional development is an essential aspect of any vocation. Ideas change, and people and their needs change too – or is it the other way around?
We offer courses and workshops in many areas, both practical and philosophical, to help teachers improve their understanding of the education and of human development. All courses have an element of presentation leavened with practical and artistic activities.
Most of our workshops can also be delivered online, as meetings or in a webinar format. All our professionals are skilled and experienced in delivering seminars on the Zoom platform.
Can’t see what you’re looking for? Get in touch – we may be able to design a course tailored for your school!
Discover, Deepen, Develop.
Address: 13 Woodland Road, Ashburton,
Devon TQ13 7DR
Phone: 0044 7727 117199
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